Padling Tersar: New Padma Dagnag Lingpa Treasure Lineage is a short, new direct llineage. Dharmakaya is Samantabhadra and Samantabhadri. Sambhogakaya is Manjushri. Nirmanakaya is Guru Rinpoche, Nubchen Sangye Yeshe, HH Padme Dagnag Lingpa, Lama Loma, and HE Khenchen Lama Rinpoche. 

Padme Dagnag Lingpa was a manifestation of Guru Rinpoche's heart student, Nubchen Sangye Yeshe. He was born in 1922 and passed away to nirvana in 1959. He was a great Terton, Treasure Master. His great mind treasures are in three divisions: (1) "La" which are Guru Yoga meditations, (2) "Dzog" which are the Dzogchen tantras, and (3) "Thuk" which are yidam sadhanas. A list may be found at our website: on the  "About Us" page.

Khenchen Lama has asked Khenpo Drimed Dawa to begin giving these teachings, which will be made available through the Awam eCollege. Restricted access may apply.

Padling Tersar Series: White Lotus and Four Roots - The Dzogchen View

White Lotus is a commentary by Mipham Rinpoche on the Seven-Line Prayer to Guru Padmasambhava, revered by all lineages of Tibetan Buddhism. It explains the contents of the prayer in great detail regarding the outer literal meaning, the hidden meaning on the path of liberation, the path of skillful means, the Secret Mantra, the Great Perfection, and the pith instructions of the paths of liberation and skillful means, as well as giving a practice sadhana for Seven-Line Prayer Guru Yoga.

This will be followed by a discussion of the Dzogchen view with instructions on how to do sadhana practices from the Dzogchen view.

Then, we will look at each of the Four Roots practices (Guru, Yidam, Dakini, and Protector) in HH Khenchen Lama Rinpoche's "Treasure Meditation Book". We will  examine each of the four sadhanas: (1) Secret Rigpa Guru Yoga, (2) A Sadhana of the Reverend Lord Manjushri, (3) The Method for Accomplishing Tara, and (4) The Swift Infusion of Blessings - A Guru Yoga of the Great Embodiment of Unchanging Awareness Wisdom. 

Prerequisites: Although not absolutely required, it is best to have completed the Essentials of Tibetan Buddhism classes based on Innate Happiness or equivalent study and practice.

Padling Tersar Preliminary Practices are based upon the Nyingma instructions found in The Words of My Perfect Teacher by Patrul Rinpoche, the source text that will be used for this course. It is divided into two parts: (1) the common preliminary practices and (2) the uncommon preliminary practices. These are considered preliminary to entering the Path of Tantra. 

Following instructions on the proper way to listen to dharma teachings, the common preliminary practices consist of contemplations of (1) precious human birth, (2) impermanence of life, (3) the defects of samsara, and (4) karma (the principle of cause and effect). These are followed by brief instructions on the benefit of liberation and how to follow a spiritual teacher.

The second part addresses (1) refuge, (2) bodhicitta (the mind of enlightenment), here divided into two sets of practice instructions, (3) Vajrasattva purification, (4) mandala offerings, (5) and Guru Yoga. (The text includes brief instructions on Chod and Phowa practices that are not included in this set of instructions.)

Each set of instructions will include expectations for doing the practices as described daily and keeping a record, followed by at least 30 days of additional sets of daily practice, completing a full 100 days of practice. Brief prayers or mantras may be done daily thereafter.

Email with questions you may have during the course.